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Getting Started What is SEO and why use it?

We all use search engines every day. We don't even think about it. Using websites like Google to search for everything from vacation destination to emergency dentist has become our second nature. Click here now for more information about effective search engine optimization services for your website in Arizona.

A Quick Guide - Effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Image Source: Google

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of listing your website in search engines in the event that new customers will be able to find you.

Following are some quick tips on how to brush up on the SEO of your website.

Choosing Keywords vs Phrases Don't start too big when picking your key phrases

When picking a keyword or key phrase, the most important thing is to focus on the nuances. Don't go for words that are too generic like "stationery", but rather go for the nuances you offer like a "hard plastic binder".

Website Standards Make sure your website is coded with the latest web standards

When creating a website, web designers will often only consider what the final product will look like. Invisible source code cannot be beautiful unless the end-user will have an aesthetically pleasing page to view.

Image Text Always be sure to remember to include image text

As discussed in the Web Standards section of this article, search engines do not see what the user sees. Today it is more and more popular for websites to use more dynamic content and images. However, search engines cannot see these images and instead we have to include an alternative text (image text).

Link Building Build up your backlinks to boost your rating

To prevail on page 1 with the most competitive keywords and phrases, you need to create your own backlinks. This means that you will get more sites to link back to. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing use a number of other websites that link to your website to estimate how relevant your site is.

Get the pros The quickest way to see results is to hire an expert.

There are literally thousands of web design companies and internet marketing companies that offer search engine optimization. Even experienced web developers will often use outside sources to source search engine optimization.

A Quick Guide – Effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO)