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Do you need a pool cover? There are many options when it comes to purchasing a pool covering. Many pool owners believe all pool covers are created equal. Pool owners typically purchase mesh pool covers or solar pool covers. Continue reading if you want to know which pool cover will work best for your pool.

The cost of a solar swimming pool cover can be one of the greatest benefits. Their heating abilities are another reason they are well-known. Solar pool covers use the sun’s rays as heat to heat a pool. Many homeowners can save money on their pool heaters by purchasing a solar cover.

Solar pool covers are an economical way to keep your pool water heated and extend your swimming season. Resembling bubble wrap, solar swimming pool covers trap the sun’s natural heat in the bubble air pockets then transfer the heat directly to the water of an inground or above ground pool. 

Not only are solar pool covers effective for increasing the pool’s temperature by up to 15 degrees, but they also help with decreasing the pool’s chemical cost. When a solar pool cover is being used, it creates a barrier between the pool’s water and the sun. This protective barrier prevents excessive evaporation of water. Less water being added to the pool means there is less need for fresh chemicals to bring the new water to desired safe swimming levels, saving you money on water and chemicals.

Advantages Of A Solar Pool Cover
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