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When you sell products online, you sell the image before the product. In e-commerce, only the image serves the medium of communication with your customers and it has to convey all about the product. When there are many advantages of online shopping, one of the biggest drawbacks is that customers can not have a complete product experience.

They can not hold the product in their hands and get a real look and feel that every customer wants to have before making a purchase decision. They can only see the product through photos. Your e-commerce product photography will often decide the fate of your sale conversions. Good e-commerce product photography is about capturing all the details possible.

Here are some tips to make e-commerce product photography better:

1. Background

A smooth clean white background is recommended for most products. Use the same background for your product to maintain the necessary consistency between images.

2. Equipment

Equipment is the basic requirement for anything. Get a good camera, a sturdy tripod, quality lights and other basic necessities commonly required for photography.

3. Context

Sometimes it is quite useful to evaluate the product in relation to the environment, especially where size matters. A bed sheet is always shown stretched on a bed for the purpose of showing its actual size.

Basics of E-Commerce Product Photography