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Many people are unaware that scrap metal can be used to make cash payments at scrap yards in the country, keeping this useful material out of landfills.

Metal-handling industries often have scrap metal yards. For example, construction companies may have tons of steel beams from structures, electricians could have old wires and electrical equipment, or plumbers might have old or broken copper piping and brass fixtures that they need to dispose of. Although scrap yards receive a lot of metal from the trade, they are also open to homeowners and other individuals. You can recycle your ferrous scrap metal by bringing it to scrap yards.

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Before you can recycle metal, it is important to determine if your ferrous metal is present.

Grab a magnet to find out the type of metal you have. This is the easiest and most popular way to determine this.  A magnet stuck to your metal will indicate that you have ferrous metal. This could be steel, iron, or something similar. The scrap yard will take ferrous metal, but it won't be worth much.

Non-ferrous metal is one that does not stick to a magnet. Non-ferrous metals include many common metals like copper, aluminum, and brass. These metals are extremely valuable and can be recycled for more money.

After you have separated your metals, look for a scrap yard to call and ask what metals they take. Before you go, make sure to ask about their requirements and procedures. Many homeowners are afraid to go to the scrap yard.

Basics of Recycling Ferrous Scrap Metal for Money