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People who want to improve their smile always turn to porcelain veneers for a beautiful, natural smile. Both veneers and braces seem to provide solutions to dental problems such as spaces between teeth.

Porcelain Veneer – What Is It?

Veneers are thin, bespoke cornices that are attached to the top front of the unwanted tooth. They are custom made from modern materials to match your existing tooth colour and give you a gorgeous appearance.

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Who Should Choose Teeth Veneers?

As an alternative to crowns, veneers can change your smile cosmetically. Veneers can repair deformed teeth, crooked teeth, and covering stains. Due to their highly effective appearance and less distracting properties of veneers than traditional crowns, it could be the right choice for you.

How old is the porcelain veneer to expect?

Porcelain veneers will not discolour and turn yellow like your natural teeth. Veneers are designed to last for many years. However, you should contact a cosmetic dentist to find out exactly how long your veneers will last.

What is the veneer application process like?

Shaving your teeth is necessary to even out the thickness of the porcelain. Mould is removed from the reshaped teeth so the laboratory can make veneers on order. Then cut the edges and glue will be used to secure the veneer to your teeth.


While porcelain veneers are less distracting than traditional crowns, they are an irreversible procedure due to tooth shaving. When talking to your cosmetic dentist, make sure you understand all the information necessary to make the right decision before using veneers.

Brief Information about Porcelain Veneers in Burke