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Nowadays, industries are following new methods of steel manufacturing to produce lightweight steel which could help in producing low carbon emissions. The steelmaking processes involve dynamic interactions among various phases along with chemical reactions, fluid flow, and mass transfer. 

The problem in decarbonizing the steel value chain is replacing fossil fuels, which plays an important role in the thermochemical production process of iron and steel. It is depending on the production route CO2 emissions range from – 0.4 to over 2 tonnes of crude oil. Steel is one of the core pillars of today’s society. It is one of the important engineering and construction materials. This industry now needs to cope with the pressure to reduce its carbon footprint from both environmental and economic perspectives. To know in detail about the iron and steel low carbon emissions you can visit

While most of the major steel players in the world have set out ambitious carbon abatement goals (short-term reduction of and long-term target of carbon neutrality by 2050), going forward, steel producers need to assess and decide to decrease the carbon footprint. There are several challenges in the way like:

  • Biomass reductants
  • Substitution of the BF-BOF route
  • Optimize DRI and EAF
  • DRI and EAF using hydrogen

There are various companies helping the industries based on this technology. Dastur energy is helping their clients which are steel manufacturers in producing low-carbon emissions steel through viable mega-scale solutions across the entire steel production value chain.

Decarbonization Challenges in Iron and Steel Production