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Dental implants are offered to patients as a perfect or nearly ideal replacement for their missing teeth. They are seldom well informed about risks and failure rates. The procedure can have serious and imperfect consequences. Implants can and can fail.

Patients should be thoroughly informed about the risks and understand that dental implants can fail. With proper planning, implant placement is highly predictable, safe, and creates a functional and aesthetic outcome for the patient. You can also get the best dental implants in Bend OR.

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Dental implants have been around since their inception in the 1950s. Dental implant technology is changing very rapidly. As each new technology adapts, the success of dental implants usually increases.

Sometimes technology comes out that's mostly great marketing and doesn't increase success or actually get in the way. Fortunately, this is rare.

What Makes Dental Implants Fail? There are a number of factors that increase the risk of dental implant failure. Unfortunately, some risks are unavoidable and therefore, according to various studies, dental implants are 90-95% successful (numbers close to 95%).

As with long fractures, some fractures do not heal even with the best convergence of fractures and immobility when the cast is removed.

There could be disruption (meaning healing never started) or a fibrous joint occurring (where instead of your bone has a scar between both sides of the fracture).

Depending on the type and location of the fracture and the patient, non-joints and fibers occur in about 5% of cases. This is similar to the failure rate for dental implants.

Dental Implants – What Determines Success And Failure
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