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There are many factors that make air purifiers the best on the market. These are the top three things you need to look for before purchasing an air purifier. These features will help you ensure the best air purifier is purchased for your needs.

1. You should look for an air purifier which does not produce ozone by-product. Although some electrostatic air purifiers emit ozone, they claim it is harmless. According to the American Lung Association (ALA), ozone can cause lung damage and respiratory disease. You must consider buying a good house air purifier.


2. High-efficiency particle arresting purifiers (HEPA), which remove 99.97% or more of the airborne pollutants larger than.3 microns and others that can take out pollutants greater than.1 micron in size, are the most effective air purifiers. The HEPA filter is essential if your purifier is to remove allergy and asthma triggers as well as pollutants such pet dander and mold spores, bacteria and viruses.

3. The longest-lasting air purifiers are those that come with a long warranty. The warranty period will be proudly displayed by manufacturers who truly believe that their product will last. Air purifiers with the best quality have a 5-year warranty or a prorated filter warranty. Some even have a 10-year warranty!

A great way to ensure that your family gets the cleanest and purest air is to buy an air purifier. You can be sure to bring home the best purifier by checking for HEPA filters, ozone and a good warranty.

Features To Check While Buying The Best Air Purifiers