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Contact with hazardous chemicals, whether in small or large amounts, can be very dangerous. Anyone who accidentally or intentionally inhales, touches, eats, or drinks hazardous chemicals can have lasting health effects or even die. 

For this reason, it is important to clearly label chemicals in your facility and to warn employees and visitors of the potential hazards associated with exposure to these chemicals. There are some professional label compliance solutions in Ontario, Canada that provide the best label compliance service.

Choice of chemical hazard labels

When choosing a chemical hazard label, you have several options to choose how the information is presented. This includes the following:

NFPA format: The National Fire Protection Association uses a four-color diamond plaque to indicate the type of hazard and the degree of hazard. There are four colors – each means a different type of danger. 

Color Bar Identification Format: The color bar format is slightly different from NFPA because hazard information is displayed in vertical color bars. Each colored band corresponds to one of the four diamonds on the NFPA label. The colors and numbers are the same.

Personal Protection Format: The Personal Protection Format includes a color bar or NFPA design, but also adds information about the personal protective equipment required when using this chemical.

Target Organ Format: Similar to the personal protection format, the target organ format contains a color bar or design, but then identifies specific organs or body areas that may be affected by the chemical. 

Hazard Label Compliance Is an Important Part Of Chemical Safety