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Invisalign is a teeth straightening system that uses clear, removable aligners to move your teeth into the correct positions. There are two types of aligners: traditional braces and clear aligners. Traditional braces require you to wear them for a set amount of time, while clear aligners are removable and can be worn anytime you want.

There are several factors that contribute to the cost of Invisalign, including the length of treatment, the number of aligners used, and any additional fees for special treatment requirements. You can visit a dentist to find best invisalign near Highett.

Invisalign is a popular treatment for teeth that require alignment. It is a series of clear, custom-made aligners that are worn on the teeth in order to realign them. The cost of Invisalign can vary depending on the severity of the condition and where you live. The average cost for Invisalign treatment is around per set. 

There are a few other costs associated with Invisalign, including periodic exams to check the alignment and Oral-B replacement toothbrush heads. For some people, Invisalign may also require dental bonding or a retainer.

If you are looking for an affordable way to correct teeth that have been crooked or out of alignment for some time, Invisalign may be the right option for you.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost In Highett?
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