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Developing a leadership development program in any organization is a complex task. This is especially true when you are starting from scratch. While some people are naturally champions, people are more likely to be neutral or even skeptical of such initiatives. Unless you can start showing results, you can't incorporate them into the culture. So be prepared for a long term effort. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Executive Commitment at the Top: Most CEOs, when asked, usually admit that people are one of their most important assets. Surprisingly, many don't spend as much time managing "people" or managing "talent" as is commonly called in larger organizations. To know more about leadership development conference visit

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However, if you look at the ongoing survey of companies that are known to be great at executive development, CEOs at each company spend a lot of time managing talent – often up to 30 percent of their time. So if you're looking to start a leadership development program, it's probably most important to commit to it first from the leader straight from the top, the CEO. 

Explore Best Practices: If you're just starting a leadership development program, ask the board of directors to spend some time researching best practices. Since these people will be your top "champions" in the program, it makes sense that they are well informed about current best practices. A lot of information is easy to find on the Internet. You can make on-site visits to other companies in your area or even make conference calls with executive development managers from some of the leading companies.

These are just a few ideas for starting a leadership development program at your company. While you may be the program leader, remember that this is primarily a "team effort." You need to have the support of others in the organization as well as great dedication from your CEO. If you follow these suggestions, the more likely you are to get off to a good start.

How to Establish a Leadership Development Program