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Replacing old doors that creak or stick is one of the easiest ways to improve your home.

Exterior doors, as the name suggests, must be hung where they will be used, namely outside. They are stronger and more weather resistant than their indoor counterparts. Sometimes local building codes dictate that you must use fireproof interior doors in certain areas of your home. Check the regulations for your area. You can also hire professionals for the interior door installation.

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Some points regarding the internal door installation:

Check the frame

Before making any modifications to a new door, it is very important to check the frame on which you want to hang it. If there is significant damage or it is very bent, you should also consider installing a new frame. Attaching a new door to a deformed frame can be a nightmare.

Hanging door

If you have purchased a new door and are happy with the condition of the cabinet, it is time to hang the door. Even if the new door is the right size for its opening, it may still not fit.

Bring the door to the jamb first and mark it with a pencil to get a pretty good idea of where to make adjustments. It is important to take these measurements carefully and move the door from time to time when planning to avoid mistakes. You can also find the best experts for internal door installation via

Although a hammer and a screwdriver can also be used as an adjustable door raise, chocks and wedges are also useful to have on hand. To raise the door to the proper height, simply place the screwdriver handle's end beneath the door, place the hammer's handle below the shank, and apply weight to the handle.

Wedging the door on chocks beneath the door's hinge side will allow you to measure the height of the door. By doing this, you ensure that you have the required bottom clearance.

With a pencil, mark the sections that need to be eliminated, and then connect the marks with a straight edge.

By opening the door once more and identifying the portions that need to be removed, measure the width.

You can even search online for more information about internal door installation services.

How To Hang An Interior Door?