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It is the ADDIE model instructional design framework that is the basis to create a roadmap for the training course or course that is to be created. It is a methodical learning model, which consists of five key steps to follow to create the course. There are essential elements for the ADDIE model design. Let's take a look at each of these steps in greater detail.

addie model, blended learning method

ANALYZE- The three primary aspects to analyze prior to beginning the design of the course or program of training are objectives that need to be met and the content that has been taught and present capabilities of the public (learner). In this stage, the needs of the project are defined, and the methods to fulfill them are selected. The next step is to consider the time frame for the project and the learning environment and the options for delivery offered. Once the learning goals have been established it is possible to move on to designing.

DESIGN- This is a highly important phase in the process cycle. At this point, the trainer sketches out an instructional plan for the course in question that will define the course's structure along with other important components such as learning strategies assessment, delivery, other such aspects. After the instructional strategy has been established, the format of the course is determined, and that Instructional document of design is written. The documentation is reviewed and approved by the customer and any changes are made as needed and then finalized by the customer and the trainer.

PROGRESSION- In this stage, an initial prototype of all courses is designed and then ratified by the client prior to the entire course being designed. The prototype provides an idea of the way in which and what the final course could appear like.

Know More About ADDIE Model Instructional Designing Approach