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What is Hinduism?

Hinduism refers to non-Abrahamic spiritual and religious practices in India. Named after the Sindhu (Sanskrit name for the Indus River), the name has become the most popular moniker for Indian religions by the early 1900s.

Hinduism is not a set of religious orders, but a way of living for many Hindus. Many people believe that truth can be found in many different ways, and the notion of one Supreme Being is too narrow-sighted. Instead, Hindu deities can take many forms.

You can learn Hindu study online at the most recommended Hindu university of America via

Learn Hindu Studies Online From No. 1 Vedic University In The USA

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Courses in Hinduism

The Hindu University of America offers a course about Hinduism. This course gives students the foundations of history and belief. The course will cover the texts that have been used by Hindu practitioners for centuries (Bhagavadgita, Upanishads, and The Ramayana), as well as the Hindu gods that appear in all areas of Hindu practice (Brahma Vishnu, Shiva). 

Students will study Hindu scriptures and draw connections between modern-day thinkers and the Vedic tradition. The Hindu University of America offers a Religion, Conflict, and Peace course that examines the role of spiritual traditions in conflict resolution and peace-building efforts. 

The course also includes Hinduism and other world religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam. This course explores how eastern and western philosophies have interacted and what the causes and effects are on conflicts. It also includes spiritual and traditional influences from the Vedic period.

Courses from Hindu University will help you to understand the concepts of religion.


Learn Hinduism with Online Courses