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A metal thermocouple is a device made from two dissimilar metals that are joined by a thin wire. When the two metals are in contact with each other, their temperatures will be equalized. This makes it an excellent tool for measuring temperature differences between two points. You can get the services of the best abradable combustion systems coatings or part upgrades through professionals.

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When two dissimilar metals come into contact with each other, they begin to exchange heat. 

The metal wire connecting the two is not very thermal conductive, so the heat passes through it quickly and equilibrium is reached between the two temperatures. This is why a metal thermocouple is used to measure temperature differences – by knowing the temperature of one end of the wire, you can calculate the temperature difference at the other end.

A metal thermocouple is a device used to measure temperature. It consists of two metal wires that are attached to each other at one end and to the object being measured at the other end. The metal wires are usually made out of a different type of metal than the object being measured, so when the two metals come into contact with each other, they create a small amount of heat. This heat is then used to measure the temperature.

Thermocouples are a type of sensor that use the temperature difference between two different substances to generate an electrical signal. They're often used in industrial and scientific applications, where precise temperature measurements are necessary.

Metal Thermocouple Basics – What Are They, and How Do They Work?