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People with imperfect bites or misaligned teeth can straighten their teeth with the help of some temporary remedies. Depending on the type of dental problem, be it a crooked bite, a large gap, or a grinding tooth, the dentist will assess the patient's situation and recommend the type of removable appliance the tooth may need.

One of these useful temporary devices is braces. Braces have been used for decades to treat various dental problems such as twisted teeth, misaligned upper or lower jaw, and even to treat TMJ disease. You can also consider comprehensive orthodontic cure to change your smile.

There are a number of people who grow up with teeth that do not develop properly or evenly, upper and lower jaws that differ in size and pressure from the temporomandibular joint. Braces can put your teeth in the right position, stretch your jaw and promote a beautiful smile.

In recent years, more types of braces have become available. Among them are standard metal brackets with metal wires and brackets, ceramic brackets, and transparent brackets that are almost invisible, especially at the mouth. The latter is popular among adults and is also called Invisalign.

Other types of brackets have recently appeared on the market. This latter model eliminates the long time, usually two to four years that a person has to wear on their teeth.

People who encounter 6-month braces for the first time usually react with suspicion and disbelief. How can the long and uncomfortable time for a perfect smile be shortened to just 6 months?

Such braces do not harm teeth or gums, as they require little effort and only last for six months. They're also much economical than traditional braces.

New Orthodontic Treatment Can Change Your Smile In 6 Months