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Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored material designed to cover the front surface of your teeth. Often made of porcelain, they are bonded to the front of the teeth to change their color, shape, size, or length. Porcelain veneers are an ideal choice for people who want to make slight alterations to their smile.

Process of getting porcelain shells treatment

Consultation: Before getting porcelain veneers, you will need to visit your dentist for a consultation. During this consultation, your dentist will evaluate your teeth and discuss your goals for the procedure. 

Preparation: If you decide to get veneers, your dentist will prepare your teeth for the procedure. This usually involves removing a small amount of enamel from the teeth to make room for the veneers. 

Placement: After the teeth have been prepared, the veneers will be placed on the teeth. Your dentist will make sure that the veneers fit properly and that the color matches your natural teeth. 


Porcelain veneers are a great option for people who want to make slight alterations to their smile. They are durable, natural-looking, and can be placed quickly. However, they are also expensive and irreversible, so it is important to discuss the pros and cons with your dentist before deciding if they are right for you.

Porcelain Dental Veneers: A Comprehensive Guide
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