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A dental crown is a type of dental restoration that covers the entire tooth. It is used to restore a tooth that is damaged or decayed. It is also used to improve the appearance of a tooth that is misshapen or discolored.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns in Buderim offer many benefits for those who need them.

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2. One of the biggest benefits of dental crowns is that they can help to protect your teeth from further damage. If you have a tooth that is cracked or chipped, a dental crown can help to prevent the damage from getting worse.

3. Dental crowns can also help to improve the appearance of your teeth. If you have a tooth that is discolored or misshapen, a dental crown can help to make it look better.

4. Dental crowns can also help to make it easier for you to chew your food. If you have a tooth that is not aligned properly, it can be difficult to chew your food properly. A dental crown can help to align your tooth so that it is easier to chew your food.

5. Overall, dental crowns offer many benefits for those who need them. They can help to protect your teeth from further damage, improve the appearance of your teeth, and make it easier for you to chew your food.

Reasons You Need Dental Crowns
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