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General set-up considerations

It doesn't take much space to create clone space. If circumstances require, you can even equip a wardrobe or cupboard to produce a few hundred clones every few weeks.

But it is best to have at least one large wardrobe or small room with a box of at least 2-3m2 for work. Shelves are an obvious way to maximize space, as the clone takes up very little vertical space and can easily be accommodated with a 40cm high tray and lamp.

Your clone room must be clean and sterile before use. If possible, paint the walls with washable paint (ideally white) and make sure all surfaces are clean and easy to clean in the future.

Make sure there are only necessary items in the room to make cleaning between the rails as easy as possible. If you want to get marijuana clones you can opt for Los Angeles clones for sale at

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The main thing to note about clone lamps is that they have to be cool. The typical high temperature and high power lamps used for vegetative growth and flowering are too hard and hot for rooted cuttings.

So use cold fluorescent (CFL) or LED lights and choose blue and white ("cool white") lights. In spring, when plants grow naturally, daylight shifts more towards the blue end of the spectrum.

In late summer and autumn, daylight shifts more towards the red end of the spectrum. Therefore, the lamp intended for the flowering period is yellowish red and the vegetative lamp is blue.

For clones, stimulating vegetative growth (i.e. growth of leaves, stems, and roots) is obviously very important.

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