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Many people rely on individual therapy for psychological support, but there are times when people need more support than those that can be provided by individual therapy. Men and women who need more comprehensive mental health services can be referred to an online intensive outpatient program.

Intensive Outpatient Program: Basics

IOP is a structured therapeutic environment that meets 3 to 5 times a week for 3 to 4 hours every day and usually runs for 5 to 8 weeks. IOP may be a good care option for individuals in various situations, including those on leave from work or school, those who need more support than counseling once a week, or those who recently completed inpatient care.

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An IOP provides an opportunity for people who recover from mental illness to continue their recovery, offering group therapy for men and women with depression, anxiety, drug abuse, or other mental health problems.

The purpose of an intensive outpatient program

There are IOPs specifically for young adults, IOPS for adults with depression and anxiety, IOPS for people who struggle with impulse control and self-damage, and an intensive outpatient program to treat drug abuse.

Intensive outpatient programs can help people build basic mental health skills that will help them succeed in facing stress and triggers. The purpose of each IOP will vary depending on the issue the program is designed to treat. 

For example, people with drug abuse disorders will learn skills to help them maintain tranquility and identify the possibility of triggers to relapse.

Things You Should Expect from an Intensive Outpatient Program