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Below are six tips you can use to effectively train your staff.  Many administrators are also master teachers. Still, instructing others to be effective educators requires a different set of skills from teaching classes yourself.

SET REALISTIC GOALS. To avoid rearing teachers who know a little of everything but a lot of nothing, focus your training. Do this by prioritizing the most important practices–the skills staff must master to increase student success. File away less imperative skills to be tackled later.

PLACE STAFF STRATEGICALLY IN SESSIONS. After creating your menu of high-priority training items, survey staff to get an understanding of their experience. Next, place staff to capitalize on their strengths and support them in areas of growth. Teachers can also join teachers' workshops at

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For example, your fifth-year ESL teacher might lead the session on working with international students. Schedule your third-year Computer Technology teacher to attend this session. Conversely, Mr. Tech might lead a training titled "Using Social Media in the Classroom" attended by Ms. ESL.

MAINTAIN A "WE-CAN-FIX-THIS" MINDSET. Remember, the classroom is the laboratory in which teachers practice skills from training. Mistakes are bound to occur. When a teacher fumbles, assure him that this is a normal part of his development as a teaching professional–hence, the term professional development.

Next, review the situation and coach the teacher on ways to fix the problem. Always remember to provide options for handling things differently in future situations.

Training Teachers: Professional Development Strategies for Administrators