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The thought of buying used auto parts can be daunting. Which part do you need? buy from whom? can you trust them? The following suggestions will help you get your car back on the road as easily, cheaply and safely as possible.

Make sure you know exactly what parts you need, including the part number if possible. Make sure you have all the details about your car, such as the make and model you want, year of registration, engine size and other information about the part you are looking for. With the help of used car dealer software, you can easily purchase the used car parts.

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For example, many parts require the purchase of unused brake pads, wiper blades, engine mounts, and gaskets. These are usually worn parts, so a used part can be just as "used" as the part you replaced. Consider using parts that are repaired (eg new) or completely new.

It is always advisable to accept multiple offers as prices vary depending on the age and condition of the donor vehicle. 

Make sure you are using part location services, e.g. price comparison sites. They look to hundreds of suppliers for competitive offers on your behalf, but make sure you research the company beforehand to make sure they have a good reputation and offer help and support if things go wrong.

It is important to remember that they are the experts and take their advice. Before parting with your money, ask the seller to match his part number/code with yours.

Used Car Parts Essential Buying Advice