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If you're in the maritime industry and stuck in a legal matter, then you need to have a Houston maritime attorney by your side. They can assist you and help you get out of the matter. Learn what work maritime attorneys do.

What Work Does a Houston Maritime Attorney Do?

There are different cases that a Houston maritime attorney can work on. For instance, they can deal with contract disputes, handle a party threatening another party for wrongful death, and help with vessel seizure or damage. Other than that, the Houston maritime attorney can also help in accident investigations. They can help in finding out the reasons behind any maritime disaster or accident. Additionally, they can also help work on a solution between two parties in the maritime industry.

Will a Houston Maritime Attorney Represent in Court Proceedings?

Yes, a Houston maritime attorney can provide representation for their clients in court proceedings that involve maritime law. They can help you with a wide range of things, such as:

  • Help clients mount a defense
  • Give guidance on avoiding criminal charges
  • Assist in negotiating plea deals

Different maritime crimes can lead to criminal charges such as assault, theft, obstructing the laws, and much more. In such scenarios, the maritime lawyer can provide you with guidance and support. They can help you build a strong defense and ensure that they explore all legal options.

Wrapping Up

If you are in the maritime shipping and cargo industry, then you need to work with an attorney. They can help you navigate your way through the legal issues that come along they way. Furthermore, they can also provide you with assistance in complying with the laws and regulations in the maritime industry. As a result, it can save you from potential issues in the long run.

What Does a Houston Maritime Attorney Do?