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Mastitis treatment should depend on the identification of bacteriological and take federal and global guidelines on the use of antimicrobial reasonable consideration. In severe mastitis, where the bacteriological identification is not available, treatment should be initiated based on data from the herd and personal experience. You can get more information about treatment in clinical mastitis via online sources.

Rapid bacteriological diagnosis will facilitate the right choice of antimicrobials. Treating subclinical mastitis with antimicrobials through breastfeeding is rarely economical, because of the high cost of treatment and the efficacy is usually bad. 

Minimise BCS loss post-calving

All should have evidence-based mastitis therapy, ie, the effectiveness of each solution and range therapy should be shown by scientific research. The use of on-farm protocols are prepared to increase the judicious use of antimicrobial mastitis therapy and reduce the use of antimicrobials. 

Bovine mastitis is an infectious disease of the mammary glands of dairy cows, with a global prevalence increase in rabbits and udder quarter numbers. Cows with mastitis can not be milked regularly following the adrenal gland cells being destroyed. 

In addition, the clot formation is not uncommon from mastitis milk; This is because the enzyme is made by a pathogen, such as a coagulase, which enables the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. Together, these factors alter the quality of milk, decrease milk production, and increase the cost of treatment and care, leading to huge economic losses to the dairy market. 


What Is The Effective Treatment Of Bovine Mastitis?