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An SEO expert is someone who can help your business get more traffic from search engines. They can help you optimize your website for search engines, create content that is keyword rich, and more. 

Most SEO experts offer a variety of services, including website analysis and optimization, link building, and social media management. Some experts also offer additional services such as search engine optimization (SEO) training or consulting. 

It's important to read the contract carefully to ensure that all services are covered and that you're getting the best affordable SEO Services In Columbia, Missouri.

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-Website analysis: This includes assessing the website's current state and identifying any areas in which improvement may be needed. 

-Link building: This involves creating links from high-quality sources to the website's content and pages. 

-Social media management: This involves managing the website's social media presence, including setting up profiles on various platforms and monitoring traffic and engagement data. 

-Pay-for-performance campaigns: This option involves hiring an expert to execute a series of tasks for which the client will receive a payout if the results are deemed satisfactory. 

Before hiring someone to provide these services, it's important that you conduct research on their experience and qualifications. If you're unsure, ask around and have a few references ready when you make your decision.

What Services Do A Professional SEO Provide?
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