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Most people looking to add a home theater setup to their entertainment room will have a lot of questions. These questions can range from what components to buy to how to install them. But if a few things are known, the worries before buying the system will disappear.

The first thing you need to know is how big the room will be. The size of the room is very important when deciding which components to buy. Room size lets you know how big a TV you can buy. It also determines how many speakers can be placed in the room. The basic number of speakers is three, but if you have a large room, you can create a surround sound system with five or six speakers.

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Smaller rooms can of course accommodate a home theater system, but they really shine in a larger room. This requires a larger budget, but the experience of watching movies in your home is worth it. By adding a large TV or projector and 6 speakers, including a subwoofer, into the room, you can immerse your guests in true surround sound.

Another thing to consider is buying chairs and sofas specially designed for home theater. Add cabinets for system components and you have an attractive entertainment space that will delight your guests. 

The last thing you can do is research all the components you want to buy. Studies should be carried out on the furniture and the actual video and audio components. Consult online and industry magazines for reviews of the item you are looking for.

What to Consider When Buying a Home Theater System