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Magic mushrooms are a type of mushroom that contains psychoactive compounds that can produce hallucinations and other psychedelic effects. They have been used for centuries by various cultures for religious and spiritual purposes. In recent years, magic mushrooms have become popular as a recreational drug. You can also get more information about magic mushrooms from various sources.

If you're interested in trying out magic mushrooms, one option is to make them into edibles. Here's a quick guide on how to do it:

First, you'll need to find some magic mushrooms. You can either grow them yourself or purchase them from a reputable source. Once you have your mushrooms, the next step is to dry them out. This can be done by placing them on a baking sheet in a low oven or dehydrator.

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Once the mushrooms are dry, they can be ground up into a powder using a coffee grinder or food processor. The powder can then be added to any number of recipes – baked goods, soups, sauces, etc. Just make sure to start with a small amount and see how you react before consuming more.

Making a magic mushroom edible is actually quite simple. First, you'll need to find some fresh mushrooms. If you're lucky enough to live in an area where they grow naturally, then simply head out into the woods and collect some. Otherwise, you can purchase them online or at your local health food store.

About Magic Mushroom Edible in BC