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There are many types of greens available on the market today, each with its own unique properties that can be useful for golf practice. Some common greens include:

Golf course turfgrass: Usually the most expensive type of green, golf course turfgrass is a hybrid strain of grass that is specifically bred for use on golf courses. It has a high resistance to disease and is relatively uniform in height, making it ideal for putting. You can check out for ordering the best pro putt system for your home.

Turf: A type of synthetic green that is made from a mixture of various types of plastic granules, turf is cheaper than golf course turfgrass but not as durable. It's more common in public parks and sports fields than on golf courses, and its height can vary significantly from spot to spot.

Decorative rocks: Some homeowners choose to install decorative rocks as their primary green instead of purchasing a real grass green. These rocks can be painted or stained to match your home's color scheme, and they are easy to move if you ever decide to change your layout. 

Sand: A popular alternative to real grass greens, sand greens are easy to maintain and can be used for almost any type of golfing activity. They are usually set up in an open area so that you can watch your ball roll across the surface, and they can be relatively inexpensive to purchase or rent. 

There are also a variety of artificial greens available on the market today, including turf mats, putting greens, and driving ranges. These greens can be used for a variety of golfing activities, and many come with corresponding clubs and accessories to make them easier to use.

What Kind Of Greens Exist On The Market Today?